Emelie Rosén participates in a group exhibition at Galleri Grip, Celsiusgatan 2, in Stockholm.
2024.05.18 – 2014.06.02 Nationell jurybedömd akvarellsalong, Darkroom Konsthall
Emelie Rosén is one of 35 artists participating in a group exhibition at the gallery space Darkroom…
2024.04.20 – 2024.05.02 Konst i kvadrat, Folkets hus Vällingby
2024.04.20 – 2024.05.02 Group exhibition Konst i kvadrat
24.02.17 – 24.02.22 Emelie Rosén (+4) Hommage, Galleri Grip
Emelie Rosén is part of a group exhibition at Gallery Grip. She shows a group of pastel drawings, everyday depictions and illustrations of moments, as a tribute and homage to her recently deceased father Jan Rosén (1947-2023).
2024.01.06 – 2024.01.18 Vintersalong, Galleri Grip
2024.01.06 – 2024.01.18 Group exhibition Vintersalong
2023.11.18 – 2023.11.23 Välgörenhetsutställning, Galleri Grip
Emelie Rosén participates in Galleri Grip’s charity exhibition for suicide prevention (Suicide Zero and SPES) with the painting Found (2023).
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